What is Lotka and where did it originate from?

Lotka is a traditional wooden rowing boat and familiar name for the Caspian coast and the Anzali Lagoon residents. It is a Russian loanword in Gilaki, which refers to a kind of wooden rowing boat with a point at each end. Many Caspian locals have used this type of boat for hunting birds and fishing in marshes, shallow waters, and narrow rivers since ancient times. So it has a great value for many villagers because it is their livelihood.

How do they build a Lotka?

Lotka building is a prevalent profession among the inhabitants of the Caspian Sea and is inherited from father to son. The Lotka builder first designs the bottom of the boat, after preparing the necessary timbers. Then he cuts the corners of the timbers and attaches them using nails.

This is a very sensitive task. Because timbers must be properly paired together to prevent water penetration. Thereafter the boat’s skeleton is formed by timbers. Then the inner frame of the boat is carefully cut and placed in equal parts of the boat’s length. Cutting and placing pieces of wood is very important in this profession. While constructing a boat, Lotka builder must weigh the balance on Lotka’s corners carefully and cut additional parts of the boat.

After sanding the boat is ready to be wrecked. It usually takes three days to build the boat.

The size of the Lotka depends on the river it is thrown into. For example, the Lotkahas that are built around the village of Sarakhshki and the outskirts of the Lotka eco-tourism settlement are smaller than the Lotakahs that are thrown into the Sefidrud Delta on the outskirts of Bandar Kia Shahr because of the narrow rivers around them.

How does Lotkaman run a lotka?

The capacity of each Lotka depends on its size. But usually a Lotka can carry between 3 and 4 people include Lotkachi. In the local dialect, someone who guides Lotka is called Lotkachi. The two sides of the boat are V-shaped and Lotkachi uses only one oar to drive it. He stands on one boat corner and hitting at the bottom of the river by an oar.

Experience a wonderful boat trip in Ecolotka

Sarkhoshki village has three rivers, all are originated  from Sefidrud and enter the Caspian Sea. Roshan-Ab (Light water) is one of these rivers that has a small river dock at the end of the Ecolotka site.

From this handmade dock you can have a one hour boat trip on the river by a local Lotkachi. Along the way turtles, seagulls, butterflies, and beautiful dragonflies will accompany you. Especially if you are interested in pristine nature photography. So, do not miss this wonderful trip.

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